How to teach with interactive models

There are many different ways to incorporate interactive models into your teaching. Below is a guide for how you might lead an inquiry-driven lesson with Tinybop Schools. You can find a sample lesson plan created according to this guide here.

Step 1: Inquire

Generate a question based on the interactive model you choose. Some suggestions are provided below each model in the “As You Explore, Consider” section. You can also print one of the Teaching Resources found at the bottom of the page to guide students.

Step 2: Explore

Have students open and play the interactive model to explore the question. Prompt them to consult the text on the side of each interactive model for more information and interaction tips. 

Step 3: Document

Encourage students to observe and gather evidence to answer the question. See the teaching resources paired with each model for ideas on encouraging students to meaningfully document their observations. Students can record observations, discoveries, personal connections, and questions as they play.

Step 4: Share 

Partner students off or assign them to small groups to discuss their findings with peers.

Step 5: Draw a conclusion

Regroup to revisit the question. Push students to synthesize their findings as a class and draw a conclusion together. Use probing questions to guide students toward a desired learning outcome or objective.